Routing Enhancement API

This API can be used to create a routing along a Cycleway. E.g. route from a point beside the cycleway to the cycleway, then route on the cycleway and finally leave the cycleway to route to your destinaten.


Every request have to be signed by an API key. For a detailed explanation click here.


Name Value Description
callback String Wrap json output in a callback function (JSONP)
geometry GeoJSON String A GeoJSON geometry with type LineString or MultiLineString of the cycleway. HINT! for big geometries use a POST request.
gpx URL String Specify a GPX file URL instead of the geometry parameter.
kml URL String Specify a KML file URL instead of the geometry parameter.
geometry_backward GeoJSON String A GeoJSON geometry with type LineString or MultiLineString of the reversed cycleway. HINT! for big geometries use a POST request.
gpx_backward URL String Specify a GPX file URL instead of the geometry_backward parameter.
kml_backward URL String Specify a KML file URL instead of the geometry_backward parameter.
start lng,lat The coordinates of the start-point.
end lng,lat The coordinates of the destination-point.
language String 2-digit language code. Set a language for the mapmatching instructions.
routeType String The vehicle for which the route should be calculated. Use car, bike or foot.
cache 0 / 1 Use cached results if available. Defaut true.

Querying a routing of the "Lechradweg" in Germany,47.834097&end=10.854801,47.746367&gpx=
   "instructions": [{
      "distance": 336.799,
      "name": "Kaufbeurer Straße, St 2014g",
      "tags": { "surface": "asphalt", "highway": "road" },
      "text": "Turn right onto Kaufbeurer Straße, St 2014",
      "sign": 2,
      "pushbike": false,
      "time": 67357,
      "coordinate": [ 47.83471, 10.82657 ],
      "speed": 18
   }, ... ],
   "geometry": {
      "type": "LineString",
      "coordinates": [ [ 10.82623, 47.83423 ], ... ]

Please be advised that the following documentation pertains only to our self-service plans, namely Basic, Pro, and Ultra, which are accessible via RapidAPI. If you are an Enterprise customer, we offer dedicated documentation with extended code examples, which can be found in our developer backend.